Advanced booking required for All activities. 1 hour minimum notice please!

Regular adult Ages 14+) ADMISSION: 1-2 adults $45
per person, 3+ adults $35 PER PERSON
Children Ages 5-13: 1-3 $32 per child, 4+ $25 per child

*Minimum of $90/appointment required, tickets pricing with automatically adjust

Please call for more information or help booking: 605-777-9401

Add exclusivity for an additional fee of $50.00 with your booking to guarantee no one else can book with your party!

End of the Line!

Capacity: 2-12 players

Escape rate: difficult but amazing 2-8%
minimum Tickets Required: 3 kids, or any combination of adults and kids
Guaranteed Room Exclusivity Minimum Tickets Required: 8
*Players may purchase exclusivity for one additional fee of $50 per group
Handicap Accessible - 30% accessible

location #2: 3509 S Norton aVe. sIOUX fALLS, SD 57105

Customers can expect a couple jumps, and creepy moments aboard this haunted room! This room is not overly freaky but will give you a few adrenaline rushes! This Escape Room features an actual running train car that will not disappoint!

In 1904 when August Belmont Jr built the NY Subway station at Astor Place it was top of the line! One night around 1am Belmont fired up his private subway car called the Mineola and headed down the tunnel.  Hours later when the train came back it was traveling at a high speed and plunged into the wall at the end of the tunnel. However, no body was ever found in the wreckage. It was rumored that he was deep into gambling debt. Belmont had accrued a fortune and had it all locked away in a vault that could only be entered with a one of a kind key. it is believed he took his vault key to hide it somewhere in the tunnel the night the train crashed. Every night at 1am a ghost train arrives to make the same trip as in did in 1906 when Belmont vanished. Many have boarded the ghost train over the years, but none have ever returned. If you arrive at the underground Astor Place platform just before 1am the ghost train will arrive and you can board. This is a live or die trying situation, so come aboard if you dare to get the key and return to claim the Belmont wealth.

We could not believe how cool this room was! I do not know how they keep getting better than the last but Escapades did it again!
— Thungston M.

Advanced booking required for All activities. 1 hour minimum notice please!

Regular adult ADMISSION: 1-2 adults $45 per person, 3+ adults $35 PER PERSON
Children Ages 5-13: 1-3 $32 per child, 4+ $25 per child

Please call for more information or help booking: 605-777-9401

Add exclusivity for an additional fee of $30.00 with your booking to guarantee no one else can book with your party!

Circus Escape Room Sioux Falls SD.jpg

Betrayal Under The Big Top

Capacity: 2-14 players

Escape rate: 30-35%
minimum Tickets Required: 3 kids, or any combination of adults and kids
Guaranteed Room Exclusivity Minimum Tickets Required: 8
*Players may purchase exclusivity for one additional fee of $50 per group
Handicap Accessible - 50% accessible

location #1: 3313 S Western aVE sIOUX fALLS, sd 57105


You work for the circus and like the rest of he staff you despise the Ringmaster! Your dream has always been to own your own circus so over the years you have taken notes on how to improve the circus, new ideas and everything you need to get started. However, you accidentally left your notebook on the elephant podium and when you returned to retrieve it you see the Ringmaster pick it up and and slip it into his jacket pocket. You breathe a sign of relief that he did not look at it, but know if you do not get it back you will be a dead man! It just so happens that tonight is the last day the circus is in town, and the entire circus crew goes out to eat to wrap up the hard week of work! You pretend to be sick so you can stay behind. Now you one hour to find the secret entrance into the Ringmasters dressing room, retrieve your book and get out before you are caught!

This Circus inspired room will not disappoint! While there are NO scary clowns, there are plenty of challenging puzzles and interesting games to play!

Best room yet! Wow Escapades continues to amaze us!
— Rachel G.

Wild West Saloon

Capacity: 2-12 players

Escape rate: 25-30%
minimum Tickets Required: 3 kids, or any combination of adults and kids
Guaranteed Room Exclusivity Minimum Tickets Required: 8
*players may purchase exclusivity for a one time additional fee of $50 per group
Handicap accessible - 50-100% accessible (depending on width of chair)

location #2: 3509 s nORTON aVE. sIOUX fALLS, sd 57105

This escape room boasts of unique one of a kind puzzles and props never seen in the escape industry before! A mix of high tech and good old fashioned fun this room will amaze you with it’s secrets!

Your distant relative was Wild Bill Hickock. For over 100 years your family has passed down stories of the riches he accumulated during his looting years prior to his death. When he was murdered the location of his gold and treasure died with him. You have always thought that if you could go back in time and stop the murder, those riches might trickle down to you in the future! Your quest begins when you sneak into a time machine and leap back in time to Saloon #10 just one hour before Wild Bills murder takes place. As history has recorded the murderer Jack McCall hid a gun somewhere in that saloon that he retrieved to commit the murder. You must work fast to find the weapon and get it out of the saloon to alter history forever, and make your family rich!

This room has lots of fun puzzles like nothing you have seen before! Get ready for this western adventure!

Advanced booking required for All activities. 1 hour minimum notice please!

Please call for more information or help booking: 605-777-9401

Add exclusivity for an additional fee of $30.00 with your booking to guarantee no one else can book with your party!


The Headmaster’s Heist at Greengotts’s

Capacity: 2-20 players

Escape rate: 20-25%
minimum Tickets Required: 3 kids, or any combination of adults and kids
Guaranteed Room Exclusivity Minimum Tickets Required: 8
*Players may purchase exclusivity for one additional fee of $50 per group
Handicap Accessible 90% accessible

location #2: 3509 s. nORTON aVE sIOUX fALLS, sd 57105

No Potter knowledge needed! Everything you need to complete the puzzles will be provided within the escape room.

Find yourselves in a wizarding world with a specific mission to save the Headmaster! He was framed by some evil wizards in a coup attempt to get him out of the school of magic! Before he was taken away he found out that a key piece of evidence was placed in a vault in the Gringotts’s Bank run by scrupulous trolls. While the Headmaster didn’t have the key to the vault, being he most talented wizard around, he had enchanted some coins that would open the vault. Just as he was going to get the evidence he was arrested! Now you have been summoned to be part of a trusted team of students and faculty members of the school to retrieve the coins and get them to the bank to release the evidence! But hurry he goes on trial in just one hour so you do not have much time to pull off this heist!

Of all the escape rooms I have played around the country, this one rivals the best!
— Sydney P.

Pirate Shipwreck

Capacity: 2-16 players

Handicap Accessible 50% accessible
Children under 3 are not permitted in this room
Escape rate: 20-25%
minimum Tickets Required: 3 kids, or any combination of adults and kids
Guaranteed Room Exclusivity Minimum Tickets Required: 8*Players may purchase exclusivity for one additional fee of $50 per group

location #1: 3313 s wESTERN aVE sIOUX fALLS, sd 57105

This room is the most high tech room in Sioux Falls!

Ahoy mateys, it’s a pirates life for me!  Yo ho and a bottle of….well, so there’s no actual rum to be found, but there will be treasures galore in this fun filled room. From the life-sized pirate ship to the actual sandy beaches and all the features in between, you’re not going to want to miss this crazy escape room.

My family was impressed by the complex gadgets in this room! And the staff is next to none.
— John H.


Capacity: 2-12 players

NOT Handicap Accessible
Escape rate: 10-15%
minimum Tickets Required: 3 kids, or any combination of adults and kids
Guaranteed Room Exclusivity Minimum Tickets Required: 8
*Players may purchase exclusivity for one additional fee of $50 per group

location #1: 3313 s wESTERN aVE sIOUX fALLS, sd 57105


This room will satisfy the players looking for a real adrenaline rush! Your team will start divided between 2 jail cells. We recommend a minimum of 4 players however you could play it with only 2 if you dare!

You were traveling through an unfamiliar small town late at night and were pulled over by the local sheriff. For reasons unknown you are all arrested and taken back to the town jail and locked up! As you look around it becomes apparent you will never be leaving this place unless you are able to escape. He announces he will be back in one hour and you hear his car pull away. Now you have 60 minutes to escape or face the end! This room is full of twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat and is a real suspense thriller!

This Room is very difficult and not recommended for kids. If there are children under 13 that are playing with adults that should be fine. However booking this room for a group of kids is not recommended due to the difficulty level!

This room was the best I have played in Sioux Falls! I didn’t escape but , oh man, can’t wait to see what you come up with next!
— Casey N.
Kids camping Escape Room Sioux Falls SD.JPG

Camped Out!

Capacity: 2-12 players

Handicap Accessible 50% accessible
Escape rate: 45-50%
minimum Tickets Required: 3 kids, or any combination of adults and kids
Guaranteed Room Exclusivity Minimum Tickets Required: 6
*Players may purchase exclusivity for one additional fee of $50 per group

location #1: 3313 s wESTERN aVE sIOUX fALLS, sd 57105

This room is perfect for beginners or families with kids!

Your family is going on a camping trip. But when you arrive at the campsite the cabin is locked and night is falling. As you look around it becomes obvious that the campground hosts must have forgotten your reservation. After several attempts to call the campground manager you decide to just head home. However your car won't start and now the battery on your cell phone has died. You are now going to have to spend the night. You have exactly one hour before dark to somehow get into the cabin and get the camp setup. Time is ticking so don't wait or you will be left out in the dark!

This room will create memories for you and your family especially the kiddos! This room was designed to include even the youngest players, and it also great for first time players no matter your age! If your group is mostly adults we recommend 8 person capacity.

This was one of the best rooms we have ever played! Well Done!
— Ben S.

The Paris Heist

Capacity: 2-7 players

Handicap Accessible
Escape rate: 38-40%
minimum Tickets Required: 3 kids, or any combination of adults and kids
Guaranteed Room Exclusivity Minimum Tickets Required: 4
*Players may purchase exclusivity for one additional fee of $50 per group

location #2: 3509 s. nORTON aVE sIOUX fALLS, sd 57105

This room has great props and is complex!

Kim Kardashian stays in Paris in a fancy hotel penthouse much of the year. Hotel staff have noticed she often leaves without her 4 million dollar wedding ring when she goes out. Now you and your co-workers have planned a robbery the next time she leaves without it! You thought you had it all planned out, but didn't know she had a new security system setup on her dressing room. Now you have 60 minutes not only to find her ring, but get out before the police arrive!

I have played all 3 escape rooms at Escapades here in Sioux Falls, but this one is my favorite!
— Andy B.
shanghai- escape room Sioux Falls SD.jpg

Shanghai Spy

Capacity: 2-10 players

Handicap Accessible 75-100% accessible depending on width of chair
Escape rate: 20-25%
minimum Tickets Required: 3 kids, or any combination of adults and kids
Guaranteed Room Exclusivity Minimum Tickets Required: 6
*Players may purchase exclusivity for one additional fee of $50 per group

location #2: 3509 s. nORTON aVE sIOUX fALLS, sd 57105

This room will put your super sleuth skills to the test! It is a real attention to details room!

His name was Charlie Forester and he was a CIA Agent sent to Shanghai to conduct counterintelligence on a group of terrorists known as the Shu Gong Shi. For the past year he tracked their moves, and logged their whereabouts! Last week he went missing and now you have been sent to uncover what happened and to find Agent Forester! You start with his hotel room which was his last known location! While this may look like a standard hotel room, there is more than meets the eye. The clock is ticking and you only have one hour to unravel the mystery!

This is a spin off of our mobile game Espionage and does contain some similar puzzles. 

This room holds up the excitement and satisfaction that Escapades delivers from its uniquely designed rooms! Definitely a must play room!
— James S.